User interface, experience & graphic designer from Australia

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User interface, experience & graphic designer from Australia

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User interface, experience & graphic designer from Australia

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[ 01 ] Success

Your payment has been processed successfully.

Thank you for choosing to work with me for your next project. Your payment has been processed successfully and I am just finishing setting up your private Slack channel and ClickUp list (project-management). I'll send you an email within the next 12 - 24 hours and we can get started.

[ 02 ] Next Steps

I'm currently setting up private Slack and ClickUp areas so we can get straight to work. Once done, you'll get an email from me with links to bot.

Once you receive my email, you can start messaging me directly in slack so we can discuss your project & making requests via ClickUp. I'll get straight to work once you've started making those requests.

[ 03 ] Any Questions?

If you have any questions or concerns before I send you a link to Slack, you can email me by clicking the link below.